Sunday, November 01, 2009

Focus on Joy

I wanted to record a few moments/gratitudes from the past 2 1/2 weeks with my family. We've all certainly had many emotional and physical ups and downs, but in the end, I think we still love each other, need each other, and enjoy each other.
1. "Hand": Max finally realized that I just can't carry him. So now he insists on walking by my side holding my hand as I go about life in our house. We walk up the stairs hand-in-hand. We get hot chocolate hand-in-hand. We go see baby hand-in-hand. I think he's decided to grow up since Truman is born. He insists on being independent in so many things (some are way too frustrating for us). But for now, we'll enjoy holding hands.

2. Spelling: Seeing in Hannah's journal that she spelled 'Excited' like 'Icsidid'. I love when kids are learning to spell. She also spelled Truman like this: Chrumam. You realize that each word is new to a kid and they are so creative in deciding on spelling.

3. Seeing Truman for the first time. Holding Truman for the first time. He sure was a wrinkly little skinny babe. That moment when you hear that first cry and know all is well is a tender thing for my heart. What a miracle LIFE and modern medicine are!

4. Jimmy: Lots of moments here. I love this man. He has been a tender-hearted, patient husband the past few weeks. I burst into tears and though I don't know why in the world I'm crying, he hears my blabberings and tears. He's worked so hard with laundry, dishes, whining tots, meals, running to and fro on my errands at home or the store. He's been a great husband and support through everything. He works so hard for our fam. I just love him!

5. Welcome Home: Seeing the look on the kid's faces when they first saw and held Truman. I still love to watch the WONDER in their eyes when they hold him or burp him or give him a good-night kiss. Children love so purely!

6. Support: It's so nice to know when people care. I'm so grateful for all who commented on blog/facebook, sent emails, called, brought dinners/treats, mailed packages and presents, etc. It reminds me to be sure to follow promptings to show love to others because I've appreciated when others show love to me. Our mothers were both so helpful with kids, cleaning, cooking, cheering my emotions. We are all here to bless and serve and love each other, aren't we. I'm so grateful!

7. Prayers: Abe has been saying the sweetest prayers lately. When I was pregnant he prayed that I would feel well. Now he prays for mom and truman to be healthy and feel well. The other night for his personal prayer he said something like, "Please bless Truman to not cry all night long so he can sleep well. Please bless Truman to keep his eyes open all day long." I love that he prayers for our baby. He really loves him!

8. Caring for Baby: I just love when the kids try and help burp Truman. Max is the funniest and will just come up not-so-gently pat Truman's back. Hannah and Abe do a great job when they hold and burp him.

9. Recovery: I dreaded my recovery for this c-section since my last few were extra hard. (I know - not positive thinking - oops!). But I have been pleasantly surprised how well it's gone. I was able to move around and walk pretty well in the hospital. Upon arriving home, I was able to manage stairs easily. And holding wiggly Max hasn't been too hard on my incision. Overall, I have been pleased with how well things have gone with my incision and healing. Now - I'm not sayin' I'm up to another c-section any time soon, but anyhoo...

10. Blessings: You know the times when you feel so blessed. I think Heavenly Father blesses us always, but I don't always recognize it. I feel blessed to have the Gospel ... blessed to have my family ... blessed to recover physically ... blessed with a sweet babe and kiddos ... blessed to have a home to raise my family in ... blessed with prayer ... blessed with strength enough to do what I need to do.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

I love Abe's prayers. They are the best!