Grateful I got the dishwasher started yesterday. I despise entering a kitchen full of dirty dishes first thing in the morn. I've been so proud of myself to get the dishwasher started before bed (most nights) since having Truman.
Grateful for little ones to empty the dishwasher. Even Max pitches in. I love that I don't have to do as much bending because the kids do it for me! Love it!
Grateful for homemade food. I love heart-warming foods that hit the spot - like homemade cookies, rolls, soups, etc.
Grateful for inspiring messages. Marne shared this quote that is definitely a keeper:

Grateful for warmth. We've had sunny days and semi-warm temps and I've walked to the bus stop with Truman in sling and Max running wildly. I love the fresh air. It does a body good!
Grateful for Dark Chocolate. Silly - but true. I would almost rather NOT eat chocolate at all if it's Milk Chocolate. I adore Dark Chocolate and wish they would make more candy bars out of it. Not that it would help my waistline...
Grateful for the Ensign. Every time I pick it up to read a little, I feel inspired. Good stuff!
Grateful for holds at the library. We have a not-so-awesome library here in Lehi. Somehow I think it is well-used by all the Utah moms and tots. They rarely have the books I want to read. But Hark! - today I got a call saying Forest Born is waiting for me at the library. This is the 4th book in the series by Shannon Hale. Love those books! Now - to get to the library...
1 comment:
Isn't that quote the best? I think i want to have it made into vinyl lettering and put it up somewhere in my house.
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