Thursday, February 05, 2009

25 randoms + 1

I was tagged a kazillion times on this tag on facebook, so I figured I'd share the 25 randoms on my life here on the bloggie.

1. I'm hyper sensitive about smells. Last night I could smell our supper of fried rice all night long. It was not pleasant to me. I don't like smelling like food or having my house smell like food long after it has been eaten.

2. I have really been enjoying smoothies with fresh pineapple, banana, raspberries, vanilla yogurt, orange juice, and ice. Yum! and fresh!

3. Doing the splits is no longer a reality for me.

4. My brain does much better thinking of random lists like this when it is half asleep in bed.

5. I like riding horses but I'm not a fan of most animals.

6. We once had a lizard living in a pot on our patio in Florida for months. We named him Pete. Pete died or moved and then another lizard took his place. We named him Repeat.

7. My calling at church has to do with Ebony and Ivory. Hopefully they will live together in perfect harmony.

8. This year I'm working on losing 20 lbs - well 15 realistically. I think my metabolism is practically stopped. No bueno!

9. I always thought I'd have more patience as a mother. sigh...

10. I have a very reserved personality. I'm silly with my kids but not so much outside my home with others.

11. Jane Austen movies are my favs.

12. I love to read but I go in reading spurts so I don't end up reading as much as I'd like.

13. I like to wear my Chaco's. I like to hike. I love the mountains. I guess that makes me a semi-granola. I even like to eat homemade granola with craisins and other dried fruit.

14. Right now my bathroom counter is filled with everything that should be in my drawers. Maxwell won't leave the drawers and stuff alone. Whatever happened to Kaboodles?

15. I like cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. I don't think I'd like downhill skiing - way too fast for me.

16. I like to keep my fingernails as short as they'll go. Probably that stems as habit from my piano days.

17. I once had to sing a solo on stage. I sang, "In my own little corner" (a cinderella song). I was terrified. I'm sooooo not a soloist.

18. I like colored spatulas. They cheer my kitchen ... that is ... when it's clean enough to actually see them.

19. My siblings and I used to have hand-standing contests when we were little. I also liked to hula hoop and play soccer.

20. Playing 'pepper' with a volleyball is a swell activity.

21. I love folding laundry warm out of the dryer. The only problem is that rarely is able to happen. I really don't like folding cold stale laundry.

22. Gum and lipstuff used to be a staple for me in highschool. Not so much anymore. At least I'm not addicted to them now.

23. I used to sit on my back porch and watch the sun set and the stars come out - for hours. I no longer have the time to do that. I miss it.

24. I didn't even mention dark chocolate once in this list. Oh wait ...

25. I feel like I spend 75% of my day trying to keep Max out of mischief. I think the other 25% is spent cleaning up after him when he escapes from view.

26. I like this photo.


Lexie said...

fun things to learn about you Heather!

Stacey said...

I loved reading these. You are such a fun person. I am sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I hope it goes better today. By the way I enjoyed reading your note on facebook. I loved #6 so very clever with repeat. Very witty.

Amy D. said...

I love that photo! And you know how often I fluff up laundry in the dryer so it's warm and ready to fold? Sometimes several times!

April said...

I love my chacos!!!! Most people don't even know what they are...and I am like, "Are you kidding me?" I keep meaning to blog a Chaco post- because they cause a lot of conversation in our home- Chay gets so mad when I wear them and there is a foot of snow on the ground...they have got to be the most comfortable shoe alive..

oh and Heather- thanks for being more honest. Sometimes I get so drained by all these fluffy perfect mom blogs...because I seriously can be the grouchiest mom on earth- and at least I know it- but still it is nice to know we are all in this together- which makes change more likely I think.

Your little ones are cute.