Wednesday, January 21, 2009

this kiddo makes me laugh

Commentary of Video by Maxwell himself:
"Hi, I'm Max. I learned to wave hello and say 'hi'.
Oh, look. There's my hand.
I better grab my tongue and see what it feels like.
Kinda squishy.
Oh - Hannah's coughing.
I guess I better too.
I should learn to keep that coughing mouth covered.
Oh there - I figured it out.

That's how I feel about little Maxwell - and all my kids really. The simplest of things touch my heart lately and make it swell with joy ... like huge smiles from Max, huge hugs from Abe, and huge amounts of cheer from Hannah.

Abe always talks about having a big heart full of love vs. people who make bad choices having a small heart (he got that idea from watching the Grinch cartoon).  He said, "Jesus made us hearts so we can feel love, huh mom?"

It really is about love isn't it?

" is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." Laura Ingalls Wilder


Cheri said...

oh - he's getting so big! CUTE!

Amy D. said...

What a funny baby :)