Thursday, January 22, 2009

Silhouettes - Smith Style

I'm so excited about this project I finished today.

I 'totally and completely super-dooper smoocher' (that's a Hannah phrase, by the way) copied this idea from Andrea at Errand of Angels. I decided to do mine digitally since I didn't want to cut twice around a bazillion little hairs.

Here's the profile shots I took in front of a white foam board.

In photoshop, I altered the levels so the contrast between the white background and the heads was greater. Then I used my magic wand (it's a real tool in photoshop) to carefully delete around the kid's heads. I had to do some fine tuning with the eraser though these definitely aren't perfectly manicured.

I love that each looks just like that child.

Hannah sat so still and proper just as I asked.  I may redo hers with her hair down and curled.

Max of course didn't hold still one bit! He was looking up at a bell Hannah was ringing to keep him semi-still. Even though he isn't look straight forward, I like that he looks natural as if looking up at mama. His pouty lips, scrunchy neck, pudgy nose, and little eyelashes show how much an infant he still is. I love it!

As for Abe. We ended up sitting him looking at the tv. Lame - I know. But he held still. He usually sits with his lips apart so it really just looks like him.

I bought the frames 55% off at Michaels and I had the prints developed as 8x10 size at Costco for $1.50.

Overall, I love these silhouettes of the tots.  It will be fun to do these periodically and see how the kids change.

Imagine what silhouettes would look like of these outtakes of Max.


Callie said...

These are darling! What a keepsake to remember each stage of the kids lives. I love it!

Mary said...

Very cool. I can't believe that you just figured out how to do it all digitally. That is talent LADY!

Cheri said...

I was JUST thinking of how to do this with my kids... seriously -- I was going to shine a light at their heads and trace the shadow....
Of course you know how to do it really cool. If I can't figure it out, I'll call you!

Heather H said...

You are so creative!! Those are adorable!

Amy D. said...

Those are classic. Very nice, memorable project!

Katie said...

Wow! Those turned out great!!!

Anonymous said...

Heather - you are the queen of creativity!! I love the silhouettes - they look great!

Jess said...

Those turned out so nice! I am going to have to copy that idea. I have an area in my house where they would go perfectly. I love your creativity.