Thursday, October 09, 2008

There is always HOPE

I know y'all just heard this. But this was one I slightly didn't hear above the noise of the family. 

Tonight I listened in the quiet of the night. Wow! - a powerful message by Elder Holland. What pure doctrine was taught. I love the Spirit that testifies during these messages.


“In the course of life all of us spend time in “dark and dreary” places, wildernesses, circumstances of sorrow or fear or discouragement.

Our present day is filled with global distress over financial crises, energy problems, terrorist attacks, and natural calamities.

These translate into individual and family concerns not only about homes in which to live and food available to eat but also about the ultimate safety and well-being of our children and the latter-day prophecies about our planet.

More serious than these and sometimes related to them - are matters of ethical, moral, and spiritual decay seen in populations large and small, at home and abroad.

But I testify that angels are still sent to help us.”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Oct 2008 General Conference


Marne said...

I loved that talk too. I love how you photoshoped the quotes. SOmeday I need to learn how to do that.

Julie said...

I loved this talk. I know this to be true. It is amazing how often they attend to us. And even more amazing when we ask for them to attend. Beautiful pictures.

Amy D. said...

Oh, what a boon it is to have such a message of hope. Thanks for posting this, Heath.

Lexie said...

Well Heather it is time for me to do my monthly newsletter again and of course I go straight to your inspiring blog! Would you mind sending me these quotes so I can use them for my newsletter? They are so beautifully done.