Monday, October 06, 2008

Bits and Pieces

Truth be told: I honestly didn't glean much from General Conference this weekend. It was on and I attempted to listen. I loved the bits and pieces I heard but much was covered by little squawker voices and wiggly tots.

This is why I am super grateful for rebroadcast video on that is listed by session and speaker or song. Thank you & Move Networks!!!

Now, I can watch it a little at a time in the still of the night once munchkins are in bed.  Hurray for technology!


Jess said...

Bits and pieces was what I caught of conference too! I should check out that site. I always love getting the Ensign after conference because then I can really get something out of the talks.

Alison said...

Ditto! It was the same at our house this weekend. But the kids got lots of great coloring done while we did our best to listen. We recorded it on the BYU channel so I can watch a talk every night while I feed Brenner before bed. I too am thankful for technology!

Marne said...

I'm not the only one? Whew! I feel the same way...we are so lucky we have all this technology now! No more waiting 6 weeks to get the conference issue of the Ensign!