Saturday, October 18, 2008

a bit o' cheer

Isn't this 'Hey Sugar' Fabric full of cheer! And an inspiring message to go with it.
"When we make the effort to fill our lives with more joy, we find that we are filled with greater charity. We will notice others more and have the energy and interest to reach out and help them.

Guilt is a very selfish endeavor, and when we are swept up in feeling that way, it’s like we have blinders on. When we can toss the guilt aside, we can
find the joy that comes when we help others and are aware of their needs and concerns.

Each day that we toss the guilt aside and catch the joy can be the best day of our lives.
Each day can have moments of joy— breathtaking moments, quiet moments, invigorating moments, sweet moments of joy. And that is worth the effort."

Merrilee Browne Boyack

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