Saturday, October 18, 2008

BIG and little Cottonwood Canyons

With lovely Autumn weather, we've taken the chance (while we have it before the winter storms arrive) to explore in the mountains. I have missed hiking so much during our time on the flatlands.  But ... high altitude - here we ARE!!!

A few weeks ago for FHE we headed to SLC. Our directionally-challenged guide led us astray (that would be ME!!!) so plan B was to head to Little Cottonwood Canyon. We found this neat little trail that told all about the Salt Lake Temple Quarry site and stone. The huge rocks were amazing. We even saw some mountain goats.
And then today we found our original destination of Mill B South Trail in Big Cottonwood Canyon where part of my Uncle Roger's memorial service was. The mountains were BEAUTIFUL with red, yellow, orange, and green leaves. It was a lovely sight!

After our hike, we thought we'd drive by the Draper temple ... only we had no idea how to get there.  We ended up driving over South Mountain/Traverse Mountain, the back way - which indeed was the scenic route. What a view those folks have up on the top of that mountain. I don't envy their winter roads, but wow - what a view in the spring/summer/autumn-time!

Our hiking adventures aren't without incident (with 3 kiddos how could they be flawlessly perfect!), but overall, I'm hoping the kids will have fond memories of enjoying nature together and hopefully having fun in the midst of it all.  And hopefully they will remember more than us always getting lost on the way to or from!


Reeses Pieces said...

I definitely miss those mountains. There's always something to do up those canyons, wether snow or sun. I love the family picture on the bottom right.

Amy D. said...

I LOVE your pages of photos and memories that you make of your family adventures. What a darling family you have and what great outings you do!