Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Art by the tots

This weekend we finally got around to our family art project. I bought some large canvases on sale at Michaels and thought it would be fun to have the kids paint. This is the result on our light blue dining room wall (along with our happy spatulas):
I like that it's imperfect. I wanted the kids to have something on the wall that they participated in. I tried to teach the kids (especially Abe) to paint in long strokes instead of scribble circles but you can see fudges and bumps in it, which makes it childlike.

My house is a hodge-podge of styles (or no style at all!!) but hopefully the kids will have happy memories here, feel the spirit, and know we love 'em!

This is an idea I had been trying to visualize in my house - kindof like decorating like my blog header. I saw this on Sycamore Stirrings which she found on Domino.

Little photo frames held together by duct tape. I'm likin' it!
"Inexpensive frames joined with duct tape create a single-unit installation that makes a dramatic statement. Color blocks and nature shots balance the baby pictures."


keller said...

I love you canvases! In reply to your ? on my blog an agate is a clear to tan rock that you can see through. We have a ton of them in this area and the kids (and us) love to hunt for them.

Julie said...

I love both of these ideas. You and your kids did a great job on the paintings! So Cool. Also, little frames held together by duct tape... Who would have thought. Beautiful.

Amy D. said...

I love those frames...that idea would work great in your house. The paintings the kids did look so cool. Even better knowing they helped.