Friday, September 26, 2008

A Visitor From Outer Space

Earth 'Ace' from Outer Space came to visit our house today.

The boy:
The toy:
The Low-Down on Earth Ace:
Ordinary Earth boy by day, Planet Heroes™ boy genius by night! I’m just like all you other earthlings who hail from the third planet from the sun. I like to show off my skateboarding moves, eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and play at the park with my friends. But as soon as my skateboard morphs into a SuperBoard™, I’m the top pilot in the solar system, always one step ahead of those galactic goons. With a little extra confidence, and a super cool move I like to call “the sling shot”, I always find a way to keep the solar system safe!
We got Abe 2 planet heroes for his birthday and he liked them - a little. But once he saw an episode of Planet Heroes this week, he was totally into the entire Space thing.

I think his outfit has potential for a free Halloween costume with a little tweaking (iron-on the images instead of taping the paper ones on with masking tape.). The gardening gloves with flowers may have to go, but overall it has potential.

In this picture Abe said, "Earth Ace goes like this." I think he's riding the skateboard.
Here's the Planet Heroes gang. At first I didn't care so much if Abe liked these toys, but after today - with him learning so much about each planet, it was a fun thing. We focus on the good guys!

We spent a few hours dressing Abe up today. Then after Venus 'Dazzle' (Hannah) loaded the mother-ship (the school bus) to go to outer space (school), Abe and I spent a few hours making this book. We cut and pasted on colored paper instead of just printing out on white paper so that it could be a hands-on activity for Abe.

Here is a link to the pdf file if anyone is interested. We got the info and images here. These are half sheet size so it prints on 8 pages. It's a big file so it might take a while to load, but let me know if you have trouble and I'll just email it.

We also ordered the new free dvd today here.

So - yeah - a fun day learning about the "Family of Sun" (a cute song in the book, by the way.).  A nice welcome change from CARS.


Janey said...

Cute! I want abe to be buzz lightyear, max to be woody, and Hannah to be jesse!!!!

Alison said...

So fun Heath! Thanks for the free DVD info, I just ordered that for my boys. They are so into super heros (that is what all my kids are for Halloween this year, even Lexi is super girl). Porter even got some new Skecher shoes that had a little paper booklet in the box about a boy who became Z strap man or something and had to battle an out of control pair of shoelaces. Porter and Kyler LOVED it. Boys are too funny. So different from girls for sure! You're a good mom to spend time making Abe that book and cool costume. That will be a fun memory for him. That spacey song is cute to teach about the planets. Very fun!

katie and co. said...

So fun to catch up on all your posts. I love them all Heather! You really have a knack for this blogging thing. You are super inspiring.

Anonymous said...

my boys love PLanet Heroes, too. And I have a great present for Abe if you are interested, we'll talk later...