Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here it is -  3:30 p.m.  Each day I start feeling really anxious about Hannah getting out of school right about now.  And then I think about her getting on the bus.  And I can hardly get anything done because I'm anticipating picking her up at the bus stop.  Don't want to be late!  So many questions to ask!

Did she have a good day?
She she make a new friend?
Did she have anyone to play with at recess?
Was her teacher patient?
Was all well at school?

But most of all I worry about the bus.  My sweet little Hannah came off the bus in tears last Friday because a big boy was teasing her.  She just ignored him, but it made her so sad.  I've decided nothing good happens on the bus ride home.   The saddest part is that all the kids that are bullies are at our bus stop and in our ward.  Grrrr!

You may not see this personality trait in me, but I sure can be a protective mama bear if anyone crushes the spirit of my children (or my little sisters - just ask Mary and Jane about their protective big sister).

Sigh... I'm learning that sending kids to school is an interesting experience.  They go so sweet and spirited and I don't like to see them disheartened about things.  Hannah still loves her teacher and kindergarten so hopefully we'll get past the entire bus situation.

Once I know she's home safe and sound, I can relax my nerves.  Off to the bus stop to see my beautiful blond girlie!


Steph and Eric said...

oh heath, i'm sorry you worry so much about your little Hannah.

Have her sit on the front row of the bus if she can . . . that is the best spot.

we'll say a little prayer for her and for you!

Lexie said...

Oh, the bus ride, definitely one of my least favorite things. I have found out about myself that you can be mean to me but if you are mean to my children......boy it takes a lot to hold back that mama bear doesn't it!?!

Carol said...

I so agree, Heath! Isn't it hard to send your kids out into that world where they won't be treated like you wish they would? I hear ya on that "sigh of relief" when they're home safe. It's a nice feeling, huh? Good luck to Hannah on that bus!

Amy D. said...

The harsh world, blast it all. We are big fans of sitting behind the bus driver, too. That move has saved many a child from bus trouble in our fam. (Though Owen pointed out that only Kindergartners can sit there on his bus, so he is braving row 4 this year. Yikes!)

Amanda said...

I feel for you Heather! For the past 2 years (when we lived in Omaha) there was no bus and I always had to pick up my kids from school. Now we have a bus and a crazy bus driver who doesn't always get the route right. It always makes me feel so much better when my kids are safe and sound at home.

Alison said...

Oh those naughty big bullies! That's what I dislike about bus-rides too. Poor little Hannah! Maybe that big older boy has a crush on her and only knows how to tease to show it (not that that makes it right or any better...). I'm so sorry! I'm with you - this world is full of tough things I don't want my kids to experience!

Heather H said...

Poor little thing, I didnt ride the bus until high school but I still didnt like it then. I hope things get better soon.