Monday, September 08, 2008

Food Storage - Eggs

This morning I started making pancakes but had forgotten that we were out of eggs. I abandoned my idea until I remembered I had bought powdered whole eggs during the Macey's preparedness sale. So - I thought I'd give it a try.

The powdered eggs changed the consistency of the pancakes but I balanced that out with more milk and bisquick (yes - I still use bisquick - yikes!) I didn't really notice a difference in the taste of the pancakes but I think they were slightly more crispy around the edges.

I can't imagine using powdered eggs for omelets or scrambled eggs but they seem okay for mixes and such. I did see this article about using powdered eggs for food storage, but I'd be interested in hearing from any of you who have tried them.

Have you used powdered eggs for cooking?

What type of recipes have you used them in?

Have you noticed differences in certain recipes?  Good/bad?

Have you used any other powdered or dehydrated foods that you'd recommend?

Also - does anyone have a recipe for homemade bisquick type mix that they want to share?


Alison said...

I've got some dehydrated eggs in our fridge too and they come in handy when we run out of eggs and I'm baking! Dave swears things taste different, but if you don't know I don't think it's noticeable!

And holy cow Heath! I'm so glad you're feeling better! So sorry about the kidney infection. What sad days. I'm so glad you made it through all of that, surely no fun at all.

Abe looks so grown up on his first day of preschool. Porter was so excited to go too! I can't believe they're growing up so fast.

And Max getting teeth! HOoray for Max! Those pictures of him are cute with his messy hair. Such a cute baby! Although not a baby for much longer! How can we slow time down Heath?

I sure love ya!

Marne said...

Max is such a cutie pie! Is it possible for him to be getting teeth already? WOW! I could have sworn you just had a baby...

I have never tried dehydrated eggs! But I would think they would be great for emergencies. I know that has lots of tips for dehydrated eggs.

I have 3 or 4 homemade pancake/waffle mix recipes I have used. Some are regular (white), some are whole wheat/whole grain. Tell me which ones you want and I can get them to you.

Cheri said...

I've always wondered what powdered eggs would be like in a recipe! I have a can sitting in storage, and have just hoped that I wouldn't have to use them! Same with powdered margarine and freeze dried scrambled eggs! I'm just not very adventurous I guess.

Anonymous said...

I was going to mention too. There is a link on the right for downloads on using dehydrated eggs. I just bought some too. But I hope not to use them til I really need to...

Steph and Eric said...

dehydrated eggs. . . just the name scares me silly. eewww, yuk! but then i feel the same way about powdered milk which has saved the day a number of times when a trip to the grocery store for a cup of milk just seems like too effort.

look at you all prepared. you are amazing!