Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Googly Gladness

Things I'm glad about today:

FRESH AIR!!! I love, love, love all the fresh air in Utah. I opened the window when I was doing dishes and fresh cool dry air blew in (along with a fly). FRESH AIR is a joy - a real joy!

Hannah giving show-n-tell to Max about her sparkly pink shoe. I love her little dancing kick!
Max - this baby is just plain funny and cute. He figured out how to shake his head no - only he is still working on it so it is all wobbly-bobbly. He always smells like baby food or mashed soggy graham crackers, but he just plain makes me glad.

2 handsome sons with fresh missionary hair cuts. Max was sure eyeing those clippers... and sure enough, once they came on, he was in an uproar about it. Tears soon turned to smiles once we plunked him in the bath to splash away.

Unphotographable moments - like every time Abe gets in trouble or if he accidentally hurts someone, his big lip merges outward and he says, "I just need a love" and he comes in for a snuggle.

Glad for the Ensign. I've just loved reading it lately. It's so uplifting.

Glad for slight progress which was made on the laundry situation.

Glad for Jimmy who works so hard for our family and takes care of all of us. He's turning 32 on Friday ya know. I'm glad to get to go on a date with him - a rare thing for us these days.

Happy snail mail the entire fam got today. What joy filled the house when 2 kiddos got their own mail with a surprise inside. Thanks Ang!

Freedom - I watched a few videos today on YouTube about soldiers, America, and freedom. I am so grateful for those who fight for our freedom!

Hannah's purple blooming flowers in the kitchen windowsill. It really is a miracle that it's still alive - and blooming at that!

Abe wrote his name all by himself today. Big progress in the writing department!!

Glad, glad, glad for green grass and a cool rainy day.


Marne said...

Great post Heather! It's the simple things that matter most!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Max's first hair cut? He's getting so big and is such a cutie!

I'm so glad you have grass, too. Grass is wonderful!

And I'm glad you're recovering well from your kidney infection (how scary!).

Christine said...

I'm glad that you help us all to be glad! and remember what is important.

Amy D. said...

Sa-weet comments, as always, Heath.