Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eyes - Brown, Hazel, Blue

Today I was trying to get a good picture of my kid's eyes. I love that they have different colored eyes: Hannah with dark brown, Abe with hazel-ish, Max with blue.

It was hard to catch them all with open eyes. When Abe smiles his eyes naturally close - cute! but hard to capture the color.

At the end of the 5 minute photo time, smooches and love for the babe. "Save me mama!"


Steph and Eric said...

darling heath!!! you have the cutest family!!

Lexie said...

I love all these cute pics of your kids!

Amy D. said...

Eye color variety is so cool. We all have blue, but some grayish and some darker, some bright. Hannah's deep brown eyes still surprise me!

Jess said...

Your kids are adorable! I think your daughter looks so much like you.