Friday, August 22, 2008

what is Normal?

Jimmy's brothers have been staying with us the past week or so while they are homeless between-semesters students.

And boy, I'll tell ya - they've seen us AS WE ARE as a family. I've had to swallow a lot of pride and not panic over everything that has happened (which is 'normal' for us) - like the eternal mess no matter how much we clean up... like burning the FROZEN pizza (hello! - who does that?)... like listening to the whining and squabbling of the kids and disciplining or impatience from me and Jimmy... like the chaos at dinner or getting kids in bed. Sigh...

We may scare them out of ever getting married and having kids, but hopefully they'll forget the chaos someday.Can you even believe I would quote a Simpson? I utterly despise the Simpsons but I saw this quote on someone's blog and it really was too clever. We're all trying to plug along with our lives the best we can but I sure am glad our life is not viewed on a big screen reality tv show for all to see.

(the photo was taken when Hannah was 19 months and Abe was a few weeks old. We had just arrived in Florida for Jimmy's summer internship. It was obviously not a successful family photo shoot. But it makes me laugh, nontheless.)

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