Friday, August 22, 2008

Celebrating a new adventure for Hannah

Well - the time has finally come for Miss Hannah to head to school. She starts afternoon kingergarten on Monday.

I've had oodles of mixed feelings about it all. I'm scared to send her away on the bus. I might have to follow it there. I'm excited for her to learn to read better. She's so ready for that! I hope she isn't too emotional about friendships and the change of being away every day. Overall - I'm excited for her to head into this new adventure.

She had an assessment with her teacher, Mrs. Wright this week. She seems like a cheerful and sweet teacher which is perfect for Hannah.Hannah is very nervous about meeting all the new kids and making friends but I think once she gets going, she'll enjoy everything about kindergarten. It's shorter than her preschool was in TN because they only have 1/2 day kindergarten here so I'm sure she won't be overwhelmed.

To celebrate our last day before school starts we had lunch with Jimmy at Chadders. Hannah thought it was a fun way to celebrate school starting. Abe liked the soda and fries.
If you want to know what I looked like today - just see Hannah. She was trying to look just like me from the sunglasses on the head, watch, ring on wedding finger, blue shirt.
That funny baby! He swiped our milkshake.

We're excited for Hannah on her new adventure and we'll report back on how the first day of school goes on Monday.

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