Thursday, August 14, 2008

This baby is busy!

Wow!!! Max is such a busy baby. I'm not sure how I'm going to get anything done in the next year. What happened to my wee little thing who stayed in one place and smiled up at his mama?

In about 5 minutes he scooted around and found 3 different door stoppers and started boinging them. When I went to get him, I could tell he thought he was pretty funny because he would smile and laugh up at me. That funny baby!

And when I walk away from him, he bursts into tears and attempts to scoot across the house to find me. He has the saddest cry and I have pity on him and go pick him up for a love.

Here's a video of his newest talent of gargling...

And this is his other funny talent of smacking his lips. I also think he really might fly away someday with all that arm flapping...


Alison said...

He cracks me up!!! That gargling makes me laugh! He is quite the talented baby. He is just the cutest thing. You will love those videos so much one day when he's all grown up!

Lexie said...

He is a doll baby!

Amy D. said...

That blanket is soooo cute. His sounds and flapping are awesome!