Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Max and the Oreo

If my baby decides he doesn't like healthy food someday, I'm sure it will be because I let him eat popsicles, snow cones, and oreos before age 1.

With my first child, I scoffed at the thought of doing that and I just knew that I would never be 'that mother' who gave her infant a sucker or something of the sort. Oh contrare!

So - maybe it's not the best thing ever, but this babe sure gets a longing sort of look in his eye when we're eating something without him. Oh Maxi!

Here's the thought for the day to go along with our healthy eating!


Marne said...

I hear you...I was the same way with my kids. Great layout! What a fun memory.

Alison said...

Love those pictures of Max and the Oreo! They have so much expression, so cute! We love Oreos at our house too, some days I think that's all Porter lives on.

Amy D. said...

That is a great thought for the day :)