Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Hello My Name is Heather"

Except, I'm really talking about the other Heather in the world (there are 513,667 of us Heather's in America) - Heather Bailey.

I've seen her stuff before, but when I saw a link to her new site today, my internal color sensor awoke. Bah-dah-bing - bah-dah-boom! AWAKE!

Everything about her site, blog, and products are full of cheer.

From the header ...to the fabrics ...to the images ...
Boy - does she know COLOR. Plus, take a look at her 'trash ties' for hair. I'd be curious to see how I'd like them.

I even found this pleasant thought for the day by Ralph Waldo Emerson on her blog. (papers by Shabby Princess-Damask & Dots)


Alison said...

Great vibrant colors! It makes me feel cheery. And wonderful quote! Good one to reflect on for sure. You're so positive and optimistic Heath!

Marne said...

That is one of my all-time favorite quotes. And, just FYI, it is not from Emerson even though it is credited to him....but that doesn't make it any less powerful.

I love her stuff too. She has some great free patterns on there.

Heather H said...

Yay for people named Heather!! :)

Amy D. said...

Colorful! And Emerson does have a way with words (I may not be the first person to notice this ;)