Friday, August 08, 2008

*M*A*S*H* 2008

Yesterday I was a ward leader at Stake Youth Conference. The theme was
Modern Armies Serving Heaven *M*A*S*H*.

We spent the morning in service digging sod from around trees and putting down mulch at city parks . It was hot!!! and it was even under 100.

Then we headed to Camp Williams - a military base nearby. The drill sergeants gave us the run-down on the rules at the base.

Ummm yeah - let's just say if I were ever in the military I would spend half my life in tears. They were just messing around with our group but they are tense, I'll tell ya.

Imagine lil' ol' me yelling with the group 'yes sergeant, no sergeant' as loud as I can so I don't have to do push-ups.

Fall in, Right-face, Left face, About Face, Present arms, Parade REST, Stand at ease ... I'm pretty much a pro - NOT!

The sergeants kept wondering why us two blond leaders were such trouble. "Wipe that smile off your face soldier ... you were not given permission to smile!" There was fear in my eyes but a nervous giggle on my lips. Yikes!

But overall, it was interesting and enlightening to see a glimpse of the Military culture. What an appreciation I have for all the hard work and sacrifice our soldiers do for our country - for our freedom!

Here are the barracks we slept in. No warm fuzzies here! I did put a texture on this photo - because that is how I felt when I walked in this place. It smelled like ammonia but still felt grungy. Not quite feelin' the love in that cold-hearted building.

Officer Draeger with the U.S. Army (also a seminary teacher at Lehi High) was the keynote speaker. It was super! He told about his experiences during his 3 deployments to Iraq. I seriously don't know how the soldiers survive the 150 degrees with their 100 lb gear.

A few things I liked from his message:

We are all SOLDIERs:

S teadfast
O bedient
L oyal
D uty bound
I mmovable
E xample of Enduring to the end
R emember

And this quote
I love the reason behind the reverse side flag on military uniforms (from what I can remember - correct me if I'm wrong Wade). When troops are marching into battle the flag bearer is being watched carefully by all soldiers. They follow where he goes. The field of stars on the observer's right gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. Moving forward - pressing onward - ever onward ... fighting for the right!


Marne said...

What a neat experience Heather!

Reeses Pieces said...

This post brings back lots of memories. I did this same youth conference two different times. I had a great time. It's so much better going as a leader though.

Amy D. said...

Once in St. George we had a Modern Armies Serving Heaven Youth Conference--not quite as cool as yours--it's a great theme, I think!

Julie said...

Sounds like it was amazing! Thanks for sharing. I love it. I'm sure it made an impact on the youth!