Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kitchen Bath

Last week when I was tidying the kitchen, Max was a total grouch (you know the 4-7 o'clock pm hours with babes when you have a zillion things to get done). So instead of making dinner on time, I thought of how much Max loves baths so I cleaned the sink and plopped him right in.

What joy! The babe had such fun splashing, splashing, splashing. (requiring a bit of clean-up but worth it to see his smiles). The kiddo shampoo made some nice bubbles so he could smell clean too.

It was a fun 10 minutes and then we were off to eat quickie waffles for supper. I love when Max enjoys himself. He's got such a cute laugh and smile. It melts my lil' heart!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Oh! That is the cutest thing ever! Those are darling photos of your darling boy. Great job putting things on hold for a bit and enjoying the moment with him!