Thursday, August 28, 2008

GREEN!!! - I must be in heaven

Abe woke this morning and immediately looked out the window looking for grass. I had told him we would have grass today and he must have expected it to magically appear.

After breakfast the sod arrived. There was rejoicing by all in the fam. We all gathered outside to watch the guy unload 10 pallets of GREEN sod off the semi.

Abe was thrilled to watch it all. He commented on how tired he was from watching the man work. I love how these two are standing exactly the same.

We've never had sod before so it was cool for me to watch the process. It was like laying soft rugs of carpet down on the hard ground. Awww - heaven! (I do still believe there might be grass in heaven - maybe it's white and brilliant but oh it's softer than rocks and dirt). A must to pet the grass.

Abe did help out with the sod a bit. But he mostly ran around enjoying the grass and tried to borrow every one's soda.

Jimmy has worked so very hard to get the yard in. He started sprinklers on July 19 so he's been slaving away every spare minute doing sprinklers, building a shed, raking rocks and smoothing dirt, and laying sod.. We are grateful for his hard work to get the yard done.

Hannah said, "It's my dream come true."

Mom: 'what is your dream Hannah?'

Hannah: "To have grass. It's what I've wanted all my life. Well - since we moved in to this house anyways."

Here she is living the dream of playing on the grass. The kids are so thrilled. They played football, tag, volleyball, and soccer already. Hopefully our grass will thrive despite getting immediately trampled.

Here are the tired yet faithful workers - Jimmy, his sister Julie, and brother Paul. They all kept at it for 6 hours until the job was done.

Hurray for GREEN grass!


Marne said...

Lovely! We did sod in our first house and I know exactly how you feel. It is heaven...and a lot of work. But so worth it!

Alison said...

Oh hoory! I love those pictures. I love abe feeling the soft grass. I'm so happy your kids can run around on it now and not get dirty! That was my favorite thing about getting grass. It is definitely a little heaven on earth! HOw nice to have Jimmy's brother and sister come help. Many hands helps it go lots faster for sure!

Kristin Sokol said...

You should have called Steve. He loves manuel labor especially laying sod. Golly, he'll be sorry he missed that one.

keller said...

So exciting to get grass. I know exactly how you feel. We got grass this year too and it is so fun to walk in our bare feet across the grass. I love it! I am also glad to see that you have a million blogs a month. I just posted more on my site and was thinking that I had a ton of blogs this month. I love to read what everyone is up to.

Carol said...

Congrats, Heather!! Isn't getting grass so fun?? I'm so happy for you. It makes your livable space twice as big when the kids can play outside, huh? Yay!!

Julie said...

It looks amazing!! A yard is so much work but it looks to have paid off. Your kids are adorable!