Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dear friends from a far

This summer we've been able to see a few familiar faces of dear friends.

Hannah and Abe's friends Abbey and John came to visit from Memphis. Hannah just loves, loves, loves Abbey. They are the cutest sweetest friends around.
And John (who is like 5 years older) is one of Abe's heroes. John has always been so nice to Abe and Abe thinks John is his best friend.
We also got to see the Cameron's and Bartons who moved to Utah this year. It's fun to see their new homes and see how the kiddies have grown. And it's nice to know they are close by. Thanks for the fun parties gals. Jen Harmer, Shauna Cameron, Janet Barton, and the frumpy blonde lady with spit-up all over her shirt. (uhhhh, thanks for the photo Shauna. I swiped it)
Hannah was excited to see her preschool buddy Tolkien Harmer from Memphis. We used to carpool with Abbey and Tolkien. He was so nice to play with Hannah at our get-together. Hannah was perplexed one day about who she would marry and she said "If I can't marry Weston then I'll have to go find Tolkien." Brother Cannon jumped into this shot. We love the Harmers and all their fun boys. Plus we miss their dad because he is the most interesting Sunday School teacher around. Once we got used to how fast he talks, Sunday School was never boring in the Collierville ward.
And last week my friend Angela Davidson (friend from Academy for Girls) visited us for a few days from Nevada. Her little guy Jasper is such a fun smiley boy. At times I thought he and Max could look like brothers. It was fun to stay up and chat with Ang. She cheered our house. She took this one with her awesome camera that has the coolest click around. I seriously think she could take 10 photos in the time mine could take one.
I'm so glad we could see some familiar faces of friends this summer. I've been missing all those people who know all about our weirdness but still love us anyways. Thanks for being our friends!


Reeses Pieces said...

How fun to see some familiar faces. I'm so glad to know the bonds you made here are lasting. It's funny how homesick you can get and then how much you can miss where you moved from.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I just love that Hannah wants to marry Weston. I wholeheartedly approve of this union... I better shape him up so this Tolkien guy doesn't beat him to it!

Anonymous said...

that was my weston she was talking about, right?