Monday, August 18, 2008

8 months already?

This used to be our tinsy little newborn.And now here is our squishy Maxwell at 8 months. This Mr. Happy shirt is the perfect thing for him. He's had a rough month trying to grow those teeth (which still haven't popped up yet), but he gets a huge grin on his face when he sees people.... just like this!He does have serious moments ... or moments of panic like when I hand him over to Jimmy. He's becoming quite the mama's boy. He thinks he should sit on my hip all day.Not much else going on with this babe. He's still scooting but not full-blown crawling. He can go pretty fast but still hasn't ventured to every corner of the house yet. He just tries to stay close to mom.

Max loves his baby food but can't handle many chunks yet. He always wants to be eating what we are so I'm going to merge him into real food when he stops choking on it. He does much better holding his own bottle on the floor because if we hold him, he gets too distracted.

Sigh... what to do with this cute baby that is growing up so quickly...


Sally said...

Oh, this makes me sad as I know it is just around the corner! Love the Happy shirt and love happy babies!

Alisa said...

That is so funny some of the things he does. Addyson does the same things!! When I hold her to feed her, she gets so distracted but when she holds her bottle on the floor she is fine. I can't believe how little Max was!! What a cutie!