Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Duct Tape Flowers

Ever since I went to BYU, I've had a thing for duct tape. I, for some reason, had a roll of it and it was used for all sorts of things - wrapping presents, packing tape, holding the window of my car up, keeping the hem in place on dresses and pants, etc. I was not a Macgyver with it but Duct tape was definitely my friend.

Well - remember my amazing friend Cheri who is fighting (and winning!!) breast cancer. Some of the YW in Collierville got together (led by Becki Bradsher) and made her duct tape roses. I LOVE IT!

Here is Cheri's post, but I just wanted to share on my bloggie this creative and clever talent. Now I just need a step-by-step tutorial from Becki.


Amy D. said...

So am I the last person to know that duct tape comes in COLORS? We only have silver. I kept trying to imagine these flowers all grayish, but I love the brilliant (value) colors of this bouquet. It's lovely and I want to make them with my YW!!!!

Krista said...

We should try this with our girls! They would love it!

Marne said...

Now isn't this the coolest thing ever? WOW. Like Amy, I had no idea duct tape came in colors. I learned something new today!