Tuesday, August 19, 2008

$2 Tuesday - Dinosaur Museum

Last Tuesday we headed to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. We can drive there in 10 minutes without going through a stoplight or getting on the freeway so that is great.

The kids loved the dinosaurs. Abe was so excited at first but then kept asking if they were all dead. I think it was a little scary to see the huge dinosaur bones. That night when we were picking rocks in the yard, everything turned into dinosaur bones and teeth. I love BIG imaginations.That photo in the top right corner is about my favorite. Abe is being so Abe. He laughs all the time at himself because he thinks he is so funny. Hannah was being silly which is so Hannah. Max is looking at me for support wondering who all these silly people are. I'm afraid I'm one of them!!

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

And Heather is just the cutest, smiling mom :)