I see the determination on his face.
The wee babe sure tries hard though to reach anything he can.
I love these cute curled toes.
He's learning to use his body weight to reach and balance.
"Now what do I do mom?"
Sorry about the bazillions of photos... but i just liked each one. I need to get the video recorder out.
We've got to put something under that table because he keeps going for the power cords. Yikes! I'm thinkin' this babe might be on his way to crawling soon. You go Max!
p.s. any tips on stairs with babies? Do you use a gate? I can just see Abe leaving it open every 5 minutes. Do you block the stairs at all? Do I really have to follow him up and down the stairs a million times a day? Help!!! What to do with a mobile babe?
You'd think I'd know all about this with having 2 other kiddos... but we only had stairs when Hannah was a wee little thing so I'm not used to dealing with elevation changes. help!
p.p.s. Can you tell my computer is finally functional again. Jimmy replaced the power supply last night. Phew! I have my photos and computer and speed back again.
Hey, we are so glad you have computer speed and functioning back, Heath! Max is the cutest! And he is growing up too fast. Hmm, I'll have to think about what worked best with our kids and stairs. You have a hard floor at the bottom, so that is a dilemma....
I am so happy to know that Jasper is not the only baby obsessed with CORDS! Aahh! Most of the time they are plugged in and he only wants to put them in his mouth. Help!
Welcome to the stair lover club. I let Jasper walk up the stairs whenever we are going upstairs. When we head up for family scripture study at night I say, "Come on Jasper, we're going upstairs", and up he comes. :>
When I have just carried him down the stairs and don't want to bring him down again, we use these: http://livefromvegas.blogspot.com/2008/07/stairblockers.html
Heather that is ADORABLE!!! I LOVE his cute little toys clenching the carpet to help propel him forward. Darling. Can he really be mobile already?! I know Brenner is only months behind him and it's so crazy how fast they grow and learn new things. I saw some newborn babies the other day and can't believe how small they are. Brenner's only 2 months old but so much huger (is that a word?!) than them.
About the stairs, I always used a gate but that was before I had older kids that could open it. I'm not sure how that will work now, but I would love to hear what you find that works because in a few months we'll be in the same boat! :)
I can't believe how big Max is getting!
We have had stairs for both Logan and Lacy. I did use a gate at the top of the stairs (where all the bedrooms are) but really, from what I recall, is that I didn't use the gate a ton. And they learned really quickly how to go up and down the stairs. No falls!
Cute, cute pics of Max!
Cute baby!! I never put gates on my stairs because it is a main thoughofare (spelling??) of our home. My kids learned stairs fast and I never had a problem. Trust your own judgment.
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