Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Action Shots

This video is a little slow moving as Max wasn't extremely motivated. But here he is in action.

And this is what Abraham was doing to occupy himself. Careful with the neck there buddy! Safety first!

Hannah was entranced by Celtic Women last week and put on quite a ballet performance for me.


Amy D. said...

Maxwell is definitely on the move! Um, Abe looks a little wobbly. And Hannah is a beautiful dancer!

shauna said...

Cute videos. I think Hannah is a natural at dancing. Did you get new couches?

Alison said...

Your kids are so funny Heath! I love it! Max is doing great! And the one of Abe made me laugh. I can so see my boys doing the same thing! Such a difference between girls and boys. And Miss Hannah is a beautiful dancer. Fun videos!