Sunday, July 13, 2008

The last sister has wed

Saturday was Janey's wedding to Seth Johnson in the Bountiful temple. She was the loveliest bride. My dad was the sealer and one of my favorite parts of the entire day was hearing his words of counsel and wisdom. Janey was glowing with excitement and love during the ceremony. I'm very excited for Janey and Seth to be able to relax on their honeymoon in Hawaii this week.

Weddings are a bit of a whirlwind because of all the events and family/friends to see. But it was fun to watch the kids play with cousins and enjoy the grandparents. Since my camera was the dumbest one there, I swiped other's cameras to take photos. So you'll have to view everyone else's blogs for the good photos of the bride and groom.

Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend that I had on my camera.

First, the kids smelling the mint leaves at the Friday night dinner.

The cousins going on a walk. They were so hilarious trying to hold hands and stay together. Where was Kyle?

Here he is ... With Grandpa! I love how much these two like each other!

This was Max all weekend long. He could not contain that tongue for anything. We all decided he is definitely teething. At least he was a cheerful little guy during it all!

The reception was at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. We took a field trip with Hannah and Annalise and Abe up to the 10th floor to see the view of the temple. Abe played in the fountain and got all wet and the girls ooohhed and aaahhed at the view.

The dance at the reception was about the best ever. I don't have a photo of the darlings Kyle and Kait who were the cutest couple dancing together. But here's one of Daniel and Janey being a bit silly.

Hannah said the dance was her favorite part. She said she taught Jimmy how to dance. Abe had a ball dancing with Grandma, Hallie, and me. This is the only photo of my mom that I have from the reception. I thought she looked so very lovely.

Hannah said to Jane, "You aren't just a princess today, you are a Queen." All the little girlies thought the entire day was so romantical. The day was not without drama from the little girls, but overall, they had a wonderful time.

I love that weddings remind me of my wedding day to the Love of my Life. I love being together with family in the temple. I love the Spirit that is present during the ceremony. I love seeing the excitement & nervousness in the eyes of the bride and groom. It makes me cry to see tears of love in my parents eyes when they see their little Janey heading off to her new life with Seth.

I love that we had the opportunity to come together as a family and celebrate with Jane and Seth. They will have so many adventures together and I know they'll serve so many along the way because they both have such good hearts and love for others.

Here's one last photo of my Hannah and me. I'm grateful for my cute little family and that they survived the few long days of festivities. We don't have too many photos of Abe from the weekend because the boy just can't hold still. But despite all our quirks, I'm grateful to be sealed to Jimmy, Hannah, Abe, and Max forever.

Happy honeymooning Janers and Sethy! Enjoy Hawaii and all that RELAXATION, fresh pineapple, dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts, and lovely views of the ocean for us!!!


Marne said...

Oh yay! Congrats Jane! What a fun weekend. Lots of memories to treasure.

Carol said...

You summed it all very well, Heath, and the photos you got are great! I love that you take walks and adventures with the kids. That is so cute. The one of the girls standing at the window looking at the temple is so sweet! And I love the dancing shots. It was great to see you!