Monday, July 14, 2008

Building Character

Tonight for part of our FHE, I decided we should start our character building activity of picking rocks out of the back yard.

I remember as a youth trying to prepare our yard to plant grass by picking rock after rock after rock. My parents gave us opportunity to learn the value of work. And though I'm sure picking rocks helped a smidgen, we all know rocks reproduce like crazy here in the Rocky Mountains region. There isn't much hope of ridding our yard entirely of all the rocks (or seashells either).

But it's worth a shot to try and build some character and work ethic while making a dent in the rock situation. So here are the kids ENTHUSIASTICALLY filling their first bucket.I had told the kids they could earn $1 per bucket so if they worked together, they could each earn $0.50. They are figuring out that the bigger the rocks, the quicker the bucket fills.

Abe didn't quite catch the $$ thought until after we were done, but he excitedly decided then that he wanted to buy 3 cars with his money. Each car costs $2.99 so he only needs to help Hannah fill 18 buckets to buy those cars.

It took us about 30 minutes to fill that bucket so it looks like we're in for about 9 hours of rock picking to earn those 3 cars. I'm not sure if the kids will be quite as ENTHUSIASTIC when filling their 18th bucket.
Do you see that cracked ground? After living in Florida and Tennessee where sprinklers were not needed, it is a change to have a house in Utah where it rarely rains. In blazing hot Phoenix we rarely had rain but we lived in an apartment surrounded by rocks and cactus so it didn't seem as odd.

But this dry climate makes me think of the poor Pioneers who entered this desert valley. They had to till the earth and try to grow something in this cracked earth with no running water or hoses. Poor folks!

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