Monday, July 21, 2008

It could have been worse, I suppose

All day I was full of turmoil over the identity thievery situation. (eating Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Sheet cake for breakfast and lunch didn't solve the problem either!!)

In the afternoon, I realized I wasn't too surprised that I faced a trial this week. Not trying to be negative here - just realistic. I was sort of dreading teaching a lesson on 'overcoming opposition' ONLY because so often when I teach a lesson, I have a trial specifically related to that lesson the week after. Seriously!

I remember a few times at BYU when I taught a R.S. lesson and then just the next week I had a weird experience just about that topic. I decided it could be Satan trying to bewilder me on the very thing I had just born testimony of... or perhaps Heavenly Father trying to test me to see if I really believed (and could live) what I testified of.

Either way, I guess I have to see if I can really live what I believe. In this case, gratefully it is a trial that will soon pass and isn't tragic. I guess I'm just glad that I didn't have to teach Sunday's "Words of Hope and Consolation at the Time of Death" lesson in R.S.

So - moving on with my day and week and life ...

I was listening to some tunes and came across "Gabriel's Oboe from "The Mission" by Ennio Morricone. My brother Daniel introduced me to that movie and it is a sad, sad tale (but with beautiful music).

This is the Celtic Woman video version of Nella Fantasia (an Italian song based on Gabriel's Oboe) written by Ennio Morricone. (once upon a time when we only had 7 tv stations, we came across Celtic Women numerous times on PBS. I always enjoy hearing a few tunes from them with their crystal angelic voices.) Plus - I love the Oboe in this song.

The English Translation of Nella Fantasia:

In my fantasy I see a just world,
Where everyone lives in peace and in honesty.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that fly,
Full of humanity in the depths of the spirit.

In my fantasy I see a bright world,
Where each night there is less darkness.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that fly.
Full of humanity.

In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
That breathes into the city, like a friend.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that fly,
Full of humanity in the depths of the spirit.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Wow, that song is beautiful! Thanks for putting the lyrics in, too. How nice--what a lovely message. And I know what you mean about the trials that come matching the lessons prepared. It's a well known phenomenon, I think!