Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Mother Dear!

I hope my mom isn't too embarrassed that I'm blogging about her. But I wanted to note her birthday today!

We saw her for a moment and Abe asked her age. That boy! But I think he made up for it by singing his lungs out during Happy Birthday. My kids put on a mini talent show... Max scooted and smiled his heart out, Abe did jumping jacks (they were awesome), and Hannah danced away.

My mom is one of the dearest people I know. She serves so caringly. She thinks of the nicest little ways to show her appreciation. I just love her so much. She is a good faithful example to me. Plus I think this photo of her as a little girlie is most darling!

I hope she had a nice day today. She's been so busy with wedding travels and life as a wife, mother, and daughter-in-law, I hope she gets to rest up sometime soon. Happy day madre!


Janey said...

Thanks for the perfect post, Heathy! You've captured so many of the amazing qualities mom has! I just love her!

Alison said...

What a darling picture of your Mom! I love your dear mother too. Hope she had a wonderful birthday!

Julie said...

You have a wonderful mom. I sure love her myself! I hope she had a great day.