Saturday, July 05, 2008


I have oodles to catch up on, but for now I just wanted to share a video of my wee little babe.

Yesterday on our 2 hour drive home from Logan, Maxwell must have been ubber bored, and sooooo he found his voice. He has babbled and cooed and squawked for a while, but yesterday he said da-da-da over and over and over. I could tell he was rather proud of himself because of that huge smile and that he enjoyed conversing (in a baby sort of conversation way!).

He's hardly stopped talking since he figured it out. Jimmy, of course, is rather glad that he's saying da-da and says that all of his late nights with the babe are showing in Max's speech. Hello!! - I carried that baby longer than he's been alive!!! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that "D's" are easier to figure out than 'M's". :) And ummm, not that he knows that what he's saying means anything anyways...

He has the cutest, sweetest little voice. (apologies for the make-up-less piggy-tailed madre and for the ever-so-present-and-eternal brown boxes which show the exact messy state of our home)

And while we're on the subject of 6 1/2 month old Maxwell... he is doing a splendid job sitting up. He occasionally falls backwards but overall he acts like such a cool kid sitting up all by himself.

Now that he thinks he can talk, he thinks he's a big kid. He was squawking for some of our root beer because we were letting the kids have some. What a kiddo!

As for eating - the babe loves baby food green beans, prunes, pears, applesauce, and bananas... but does NOT like peaches. Oh, and he likes cotton candy snow cones. Can you believe I'd let my babe have some snow cone. Tsk, tsk...


Janey said...

oh sweet max max i can't wait to see him!!! Will you teach him to say ja ja ja ja jane's wedding?? :)

Anonymous said...

Brennan has been saying dada too, and Scoot, like Jimmy thinks he is all that!

Jeanna said...

That's so cute! He's grown up so fast. What fun it is to hear those cute little sounds.

Steph and Eric said...

ahh Maxie. he is such a great little yapper. i love the video. and i loved the shining eyes video too. eric and watched that together a couple of nights ago. happy DAY to you and your crew. love ya heath!!

Steph and Eric said...

ahh Maxie. he is such a great little yapper. i love the video. and i loved the shining eyes video too. eric and watched that together a couple of nights ago. happy DAY to you and your crew. love ya heath!!

Steph and Eric said...

ahh Maxie. he is such a great little yapper. i love the video. and i loved the shining eyes video too. eric and watched that together a couple of nights ago. happy DAY to you and your crew. love ya heath!!

Alison said...

Oh I just love it. Cute little Maxwell! I love baby sounds. I could listen all day. You are such a cute mom! He is sure growing up, I am amazed about that in every post. Happy day to you!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! I love his voice! :)