Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Classical Music with Shining Eyes

This is a video of Benjamin Zander, who has been the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra since 1979. He shares his passion for Classical Music which is more like an attitude for life.

Watching this video made me REALLY miss playing the piano and teaching piano. I'd sure love to have him as a music teacher. And it makes me want to go to school to become a music therapist. Wouldn't that be a fun adventure!

This video is 20 minutes so sit and watch when you're feeding the babe or once the kiddies have gone to bed or in the wee small hours of the morning. But I think the end is the very best so don't miss that part!!!

If the video doesn't work, HERE is the link to the webpage.

His book The Art of Possibility sounds like an uplifting and inspiring book.

So I guess with all of this I'm taking the challenge to ask myself,

"What can I do and say to help those around me have shining eyes?"

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is really cool! I am going to work on that too! I hope to bring shining eyes to all of my children. Here's to trying.