Sunday, June 29, 2008

This baby makes me laugh

I felt like such a hillbilly yesterday when we decided to set up the swimming pool on the driveway. Since we don't have grass yet and we didn't think it would be fun to swim on rocky soil, that seemed the only option. So Jimmy and I are sitting in the garage on camping chairs with the kids having a completely fantastic and crazy time swimming while the neighbors drove by wondering who the new kooky neighbors are.

Then Max woke up and we thought we'd see how he liked the pool. I don't think he knew what to do with himself? I love, love this photo - it makes me laugh! Poor little thing is wondering what this earthly experience is all about!Whatta you think?
Then he started splashing and found his smile again.
ohhhh, I think he likes it!
This pool I bought on clearance at the end of last summer is a super size for our kids... a vast upgrade from last year's pool. The kid's had a doozy of a time splashing their little legs.
And yes, they were so tired, they fell fast asleep last night.

The joys of summertime!


Anonymous said...

Fun fun fun!

Julie said...

I think it is great you even set up a pool at all. All of the kids in the neighborhood were probably telling their parents they wanted to put their pool on the driveway. :)

Jeanna said...

I bought the same pool for this summer and I love it. I like that I can get in with the kids and not be so hot. Summer time is so fun.

Alison said...

What fun memories for your kids. It looks like they are having so much fun. Days like that are the best when they fall in to bed exhausted! Maxwell looks like a little boy, not a baby! And what a fun pool. Can we come to Utah and have a pool party on your patio with you? Wouldn't that be fun?! I would love it!

Amy D. said...

Wow! That is a totally cool pool, Heath! Max looks a little like Uncle Dan as he grows up! What a fun time!