Monday, July 14, 2008

Celebrating Rest

I'm pretty wiped out from all the grand wedding festivities from the weekend. Emotionally and physically I think I need a bit of a break. We had a grand time and perhaps the kids are rearin' to go, but my body and mind need to wind down. And I wasn't even the one getting married and doing all the work with the reception and dinners and such.

Today the kids had a very nice quiet time (Hannah drew a book and Abe took a nap). I celebrated their quiet time by chatting with Cara Skoy who I hadn't talked with for months.

All day long the kids kept asking what we were going to do today and all I said was, "rest." Usually I say that we're just going to "work"... like unloading boxes, clean house. But today was REST.

We ate Popsicles after quiet time, the kids played, Max stuck his tongue out, smiled, pooped, and slept, and we ate noodles and peas for lunch. Hannah must not have needed to rest because she stayed in her room for half the morning and tidied her drawers.

At dinnertime she asked to do the dishes. She whistled why she worked and declared herself Cinderella. Water was EVERYWHERE. I was trying not to let that bother me because she loved scrubbing everything and was such a happy helper. Then she washed, dried, and set the table. She told me that all that was needed was to make dinner (this is at 6 p.m.).

I really think I should put her in charge of supper every night. She's quite on the ball with it all. She helped me prepare our frozen pizza (with fresh pineapple, green pepper, and cheese sprinkled on top), and fruit salad. I wish I had as much energy and enthusiasm for working as she does.

For now, I'll celebrate rest and go to bed.

Tomorrow the work will still be there for me. It never seems to disappear on it's own. Sigh... It may sound like procrastination and perhaps it is a bit, but I just can't run too fast today. For today rest is needful.

I'll let the kids do the running and rock picking to get their energy out. Sounds like a plan stan!


Lori Ann said...

Yes the work is ALWAYS there and there are the days when the batteries just need to be recharged so that the momma doesn't implode. Good job taking a resting day for yourself!

Cheri said...

Ohh, sweet rest!!