Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Celebrating Popsicles

Today I finally got around to making the kids homemade juice popsicles. I've had the molds for a few years (yes - years!) but never made them. Tsk, tsk on me! But thinking about 100% juice popsicles vs loaded-with-High-Fructose-Corn-syrup-popsicles, I thought we'd give it a try.

It was a gigantic mess just as popsicles should be and everyone had to scrub down afterwards. Maxwell loved his the most I think. He was such a maniac about it. I'm thinking a water popsicle will be better for him next time.

I'm still a huge fan of root beer and banana flavored twin pops (sugar and all!), but these homemade ones will be a fun summer treat too, I'm-a-thinkin'!


Anonymous said...

We have made some fun popsicles lately--frozen blueberries, milk, ice, and honey mixed in blender, then poured into little (the little bathroom ones) paper cups, stick a spoon in, freeze it. The kids love them. You could do it with any type of fruit. Yum

Marne said...

We love homemade popsicles too! I always have a ton in my freezer.

Using juice is a mess, so make it a little thicker like Brittany said. Then it won't drip everywhere. I have VitaMix so I can use whole apples and oranges and raw veggies in mine too, adn the kids don't even notice! Here is a list of what I will put into my smoothies/popsicles (not all for the same one, of course). You know those big bags of frozen fruit at Costco? I buy those and use them religiously! So most of the fruit I use is frozen, except for the bananas.

vanilla or strawberry yogurt
oj concentrate (abt. 1/4 cup)
spinach (4 baby leaves)
baby carrots
fresh pineapple
mandarin oranges
honey to sweeten

Alison said...

Wow, what great ideas from you, Britt, and Marne! Now I feel guilty I bought 2 big bags of the high-fructose corn syrup ones at the grocery store today!

Reeses Pieces said...

Yay, congrats on your calling. I'm so excited for you and already know you'll do a great job. I'm excited because we have Trek next year too. Same thing, I would love for Dave and I to experience it together.

As far as the popsicles, I've had molds for years too that I've never used, so maybe we too will give that a try today, seeing as we're bored out of our minds!