Tuesday, June 03, 2008

One Strawberry Fan please

Yesterday Hannah and I conquered the project to paint her ceiling fan blades. We had an old fan so we figured we'd transform it to match the pink in her room. She painted the first coat of all the blades and I did the slick finished layer.

The only other thing that bothers me about the fan is that it has shiny brass. I love satin Nickel. I've seen on HGTV that they sprayed brass a silverish color. Has anyone done that? I'm afraid it would look gooby.

I'm excited to see Hannah's strawberry/vanilla room. It would be fun to buy a new bedspread to match, but her current one will have to do for now.

Lots of fun things goin' on here!

And aaakkkkkk - we're moving on Saturday. Lots to do so I better get off this vacuum of a computer.


Lexie said...

Hurray for getting Abe's cast off! How are you getting all this done with your little one??? I can't wait to see the pics of all the rooms with their new colors! :)

Marne said...

Great idea to paint the ceiling fan! I can't wait to see pics of the rooms...I bet they look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I think you could paint the brass stuff--if you think about it, you won't look up at the fan all that often, and there isn't much brass, so you won't notice if it doesn't turn out perfect

Amy D. said...

You guys are doing amazing work! Awesome for letting Hannah paint :). I have also seen where "painting" old metal to have a new look works, but haven't tried it. We did prep and paint our old rusty iron railing in Newton new shiny black and it was pretty nice. But that wasn't something with a motor inside! All the best!