Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Look Ma - No Cast

Yesterday, after heading to the dentist to get his 1 cavity filled, his fused tooth sealed, and 4 molar teeth sealed (in hopes of keeping them as long as possible since there are no permanent teeth underneath)... we went to the orthopedic doctor to get Abe's cast off. Hurray!

After 5 weeks of sportin' the blue heavy cast, they cut it off. Abe was kindof scared of the blade. Plus the machine was so loud and scary. But he did great. As soon as they took it off, he almost started crying because he couldn't move his arm. He thought it was still broken.

The x-rays showed that it is mostly healed but he still needs to be careful not to fall on it in the next few weeks. We'll see if that's possible because Abe falls over while praying or sitting on his chair or on the couch.

Once we got home, Hannah put on her nurse hat and tended to Abe. She got him a pillow and found a cushion to rest his arm on. She wrapped Chocolate Bear's arm like it was in a blue cast. She made Abe a peanut butter sandwich all by herself and requested juice in a sippy cup so it wouldn't spill on him. She takes good care of us all.
You can see in this picture how Abe still holds his arm like it is in a cast. He is afraid to move it. The kids are playing with toys from the dentist's office. Hannah is holding a sticky, gooey, icky eyeball and Abe has some sort of smooshy dart.


Amy D. said...

Cute "in-motion" poses!

Carol said...

Hannah is so darling to help Abe. What a doll. I'm so glad Abe's cast is off and you can hopefully return to normal. Good luck with the move, Heath!