Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On a more positive note

Isn't this babe so cute? I feel like every time I blink, he grows up a little bit more.

Today Jimmy came home from work and said, "Hmmmm, Max you look a little funny today. What is different?" I told him that I combed Max's hair. Ha! He is looking rather tidy after his wash.Lately Max stares, reaches, stretches, twists in order to get his hands on the phone or the remote controls. The kid loves buttons!


Janey said...

Oh he' sSOOOOOOOO cute. Haha, cutesy little maxwell. :) Can't wait to see him in 2 weeks!

Alison said...

What a CUTE boy!! I can't believe he looks so totally grown up! I love that Jimmy looked at him knowing something was different. To me he looks like a mix of Hannah and Abe, do you?

And good luck with the lying thing. That is a tough call. Let me know what you find that works! Our issue right now is obedience. I'm getting so tired of repeating myself so many times, so we've started singing "When my mother calls me, QUICKLY I'll obey!"

Amy D. said...

When I met Maxwell last month I noticed his tendency to grasp toward anything with buttons. Here was this sweet, soft little dude that transformed into a wiggle worm when the phone was suddenly within reach! He's a very sweet little dude, totally.

Steph and Eric said...

heather, you get such great pictures of your cute Max. All of your kids are so photogenic.

i have neighbors who get after me for the our phone line being busy for hours on end. i figure if it keeps Warner entertained it is well worth it!!!