Wednesday, June 25, 2008

nothing makes me more upset

than lying!... especially when it's my sweet Hannah Mae telling her mother lies over something completely silly.

So - she tells a lie so she won't get in trouble about something.

Then I casually talk with her off and on all day trying to figure out if she really knew about it or if she's lying.

Then finally when I told her she would get more in trouble for lying than just about anything else, she came clean and said she had lied.

So now what? because she came clean and finally told the truth does she still have a consequence. Perhaps a consequence but not as severe?

What think ye about this?

I even had planned a great family activity since the kids wanted to do something fun and now I think it will have to be postponed. Isn't that the pits when a child telling a lie could ruin the evening for the entire family.


Jenni Taysom said...

I understand your dilemma, but I don't have any solutions. My second child, Tom, is my liar child. He lies about everything and I don't know what to do.

katie and co. said...

Oh the struggles! We are experiencing this with our #2 as well. I guess I have decided that there should be "reasonable" consequences when they come clean...still it's a dilemma.