Saturday, June 28, 2008

"I miss our old park"

I thought it would be fun to make a memory page about each of the houses/apartments we have lived in... like what fun things we did as a family and major events had happened there.

I was making this page about our home in Tennessee, and I asked Abe what his favorite thing about that house was. He completely started crying with big tears on his cheeks. He said he missed our old house and he missed our old park (our backyard and swing set). I told him that this house in Utah was good too and it was bigger so he could run around. He said he didn't like big houses and that he just liked little houses like in Tennessee. And he cried because we don't have any grass - just dirt. I told him digging in the dirt was fun too.

Poor kiddo. I guess he still has moving anxiety. We did love our little house in Tennessee. Hannah always reminds Abe, when he misses that house, that it was getting too small for our family (which was true once Max was born).

Abe has oodles of energy and is such a boy, but he sure has a tender heart. It was so sad to see his big sad lip and all those tears.

The other day I asked how he liked his blue wall in his room. He said he didn't like blue any more and he just liked orange. So, here we are a few days later, and in my effort to cheer him up about our Tennessee house, I asked if he liked the orange border on that page. He said that he didn't like orange anymore and that he just liked blue. Hmmmm ... emotional contrariness, I think, is the explanation here.

1 comment:

Reeses Pieces said...

It's nice to hear that you all miss TN. The grass is always greener on the other side....because I would love to get back to Utah soon. I don't know we'll see!