Sunday, June 08, 2008

A bunch of silliness

Do you see how tired this baby looks? He has not slept much this weekend. We need to get back to a normal routine for his sake.Today I decided I ought to start consistently feeding Max baby food. He's not very good at it yet, so I haven't made many efforts. But practice makes perfect - eh?

But that funny baby - he is always swiping things. Once he swiped my zucchini off my plate - no joke! Once he tried to swipe a tootsie roll from the doctor's treat basket. Today he swiped the spoon and tried to gobble it up.

As for Hannah... ever since I told her about Kait being able to go cross-eyed, she has been practicing it. Here's her best effort with that.

And Abe kept trying to sneak into the picture so I took one of him winking.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

I am totally the same way. I sometimes do solids with Addy and sometimes I get too busy and man, it is so much more work to feed solids. She has not mastered this art yet but I am hoping as well that practice makes perfect! :)