Tuesday, May 20, 2008

That's my baby!

Max was entertaining himself for about 30 minutes by spitting, spitting, spitting. We all know this babe has enough slobber to be able to spit all day long for years to come. You should see when he does this with spit up lingering in his mouth. Watch out for flying spit up. Sorry 'bout the weird angle, my webcam wouldn't reach much further.


Alison said...

Watching this made me laugh! I don't think any of my babies ever could spit like that! I love how he just seems like he is trying so hard to talk and say something, how he is making so much noise and kicking those cute feet! I love it. You've officially made me baby hungry!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it too! Brennan has just moved onto squawking--little screams, on and on, and on and on...

Anonymous said...

He's so cute and getting big!

Amy D. said...

Ha! To each his own, I guess! Funny that he can entertain himself so well.