Thursday, May 15, 2008

Synchronized Swimming

Max woke up at 1:30 a.m. so while feeding him, I turned on the TV and found the World Cup Synchronized Swimming from 2006. It was either this or some violent movie or infomercials on bow flex, skin cream. And commercials in the middle of the night are completely geared to old people with retirement money plans, wheelchair ads, etc.

Anyhoo.... Honestly, I can't believe how strong those girls must be to do a 5 minute routine in constant movement in water. I think I've always thought this a funny sport, but it's pretty cool to watch nonetheless.

Here's the Russian Team from a different year. They seemed to be one of the best teams in the world.

I can barely swim without looking like I'm drowning so I'm completely impressed with this talent... as entertaining as it is!


Marne said...

I know....synchronized swimming IS amazing. I love watching it.

Amy D. said...

Wow, that is amazing. After watching the goofy stepsisters in "A Cinderella Story" this brings class and refinement to an impressive sport. Those gals must be so strong and coordinated!

katie and co. said...

I can't swim in the slightest so this was way cool to watch. Thanks for sharing! My girls loved it too!