Saturday, May 03, 2008

Record a Memory!

Today happens to be National Scrapbook Day. Wowee - we should celebrate this day - eh? Can you really just make up any holiday you want?

I haven't scrapbooked a real page in weeks but I thought I'd take a moment to record and share a sweet memory.

This picture is of my dad and I at a San Diego Padre's Baseball game sometime in the 1980s.

This is the only photo I have of my favorite childhood blanket. I think I wore it to shreds so it no longer is exists in my life. But oh, how I loved that blanket. I was bright colored with yellow, orange, and green. It had lions, palm trees, and other jungle stuff on it. And it was just so soft and snuggly.

Another thing I love about this photo, is the look on my face... like I'm completely pleased and content to be on my dad's lap enjoying his company (I'm guessing because I'm about 5 or 6, I probably didn't pay much attention to the game.) But I'm glad someone took this photo! (and I'm glad Carol scanned it and shared it with me)

These are the good moments in life!

Now here's a challenge to y'all (whether or not you scrapbook). Scrapbooking is about preserving your memories, your photos, your life - righto?

So take 5 minutes and write down a memory - from last week, ten years ago, or from your childhood. You don't have to scrap it all cutsy-poo and stuff. We all know that scrappy stuff isn't what's most important.

Just record something that will bring you joy, strengthen you, teach you, or enlighten your posterity who will read it someday.

They'll be glad you took the time... and I'm guessing you will too. May the force be with you during your quest to record a bit of your life!


Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens--that looks just like joey (from what I remember from HS). WOW! And you look so cute!

Alison said...

I love that picture of you and your dad. It almost makes me cry. I'm sure the time went by fast for your dad, from when you were sitting there on his lap, and now you have your own kiddos sitting on YOUR lap! I don't want my kids to grow up, but one day they'll be holding their own kids. So important to enjoy and record special moments. Thanks!

Jeanna said...

Great picture! Your dad looks like he is just as content as you. I'm trying to soak in all the times my kids sit on my lap knowing that all too soon they won't want to sit on my lap anymore. Thanks for sharing!