Saturday, May 03, 2008

Abe the Brave Little Man

Upon breaking out the outdoor toys, Abe was a trooper playing outside even with his fractured arm in a sling. He kicked around a soccer ball, threw a football, and after finally finding the bat and ball of choice, he very carefully figured out how to juggle the bat, ball, and tee-stand.

Once he got the ball set up, he managed to strongly swing the bat to score a homerun (well, maybe not a homerun, but even hitting it one-handed - now that's talent).

We go to the Orthopedic doctor on Monday to see what he wants to do about Abe's arm. I'm hoping he just puts it in a real cast (with a waterproof liner) so that his arm can be extra protected and so he can take baths once again.

Abe's really been pretty good about being one-handed. It's hard for him to eat some foods like yogurt that require another hand to hold the container. He can't go potty without help from me to pull down pants. He has only complained a few times about his arm hurting. Overall, he's done great! He is a brave little guy!

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

That's so great, Abe just keeps a'goin' regardless of his arm situation.