Monday, May 26, 2008

It's the big FOUR

Today is Mr. Abraham's 4th birthday. He said, "This is the best birthday ever!" while eating blue waffles and opening presents this morning.

Over the past few months, Abe has declared certain things he won't do once he is 4 anymore.

It started when we told him that when he was 4, he should stop sucking his thumb when he goes to bed.

Since then, he has said:
"When I am 4, I won't eat my boogers."
"When I am 4, I will drink milk." (soooo not happening)
"When I am 4, I will stop playing on the computer."
"When I am 4, I will stop sucking my thumb."

We'll be back later with all the photos of the festivities.


Amy D. said...

WAY cute Abe! We love him and hope (really, really) that he will stop sucking his thumb at 4. You can do it, buddy!!!

Marne said...

How funny. Lacy eats her boogers too...what is up with that? Why in the world do they think it might taste good?

Happy Birthday Abe!

Karri said...

Happy Birthday Abe! It's been awhile since I've ready everyone's blog, but I"m so glad you got your bread. It looks very Good and I will definately have to try the recipe. Thanks!

Alison said...

Your bread does look fabulous! Way to go! And Happy Birthday Abe! I can't wait to see pictures of the festivities. How's he doing on his list of goals? (Those are too funny!) Love the photo collage of his cute little life!