Monday, April 14, 2008

No longer my newborn - 4 months old

Here's my babe at 4 days shy of 4 months old. I realized yesterday that he is no longer a newborn. He can roll over from his stomach to his back and when we heard him awake and babbling in his crib, I realized he was growing up. Sigh...

Here's a few updates about Max this month:

rubs his eyes when he is tired. It's so cute!

humors his parents frequently. He is so easily entertained. I can hum a completely made-up song and he laughs and smiles. He just loves the interaction, the smile, and silly voice. He's good for my self-esteem because he loves whatever I do to play with him (well - except for when he cries but that's gotta be from hunger, tiredness, or poops - right?)

the boy loves to have his diaper changed. He smiles and wiggles. He must like to be aired-out. How much longer until he's potty trained?

he loves baths or showers. Today during his bath he kicked his feet and squealed. I'm just glad he doesn't scream.

at the beginning of April, Max has liked to grab for little toys and he tries to stick them in his mouth. Sometimes he misses, but he's workin' on it. He has a little ball that is easy to hold, but hard to suck on, but he still seems to like it. And it's dishwasher safe. Gotta love that!

started blowing raspberries (spitting and sticking tongue out)

babbles and babbles away. so cute!

Max has been putting on the chubs the past two weeks. His legs and arms are getting rolly. He's more solid and not as newborn wimpy. He can hold his head up really well and look around.

can roll from stomach to back... but not from back to stomach.

We're heading into a new phase with Max... teething, wiggles, rollie-pollie-ollies. Each stage has something fun about it, I suppose. But I will miss my newborn who sleeps alot and snuggles... onto funner adventures with Max.


Marne said...

He gets more adorable the older he gets!

katie and co. said...

He's about the cutest boy I've ever seen. Seriously. I love the picture!

Amy D. said...

He is SO cute! I LOVE his hair style and color. Wish I could snuggle love him.

Alison said...

It's amazing how fast they grow! I love that you document things so well, I need to do that, I wish I would have with my other kids. Blogs are so great for that! He's a little cutie! Whenever I see pictures of him I wish I could come hold him.

Jeremy and Angela said...

What an adorable family you have Heather!! Max is getting so big and cute. I finally took a moment to see your blog and it is great! I was wondering, how do I use the CTR template? I teach the CTR 5's and would love to do something for the Bday!
*We're having another girl!!!*

Reeses Pieces said...

Holy cow! I swear you just moved from Memphis. He is so big. I love his hair color. What a handsome little thing he is.

Kristin Sokol said...

He's turning into quite a looker Heather. YOu'll have to watch him around the girls. It's amazing how fast they change when they are little

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big & he is so cute! That age is fun when they are starting to become active & curious about things. Thanks for sharing your cute family with us.